About Us
Why we’re here.
Having worked on all sorts of business problems, big and small, the common thread has been and always will be the human beings that don’t just demand but deserve great experiences. And the definition of a great experience changes with every interaction. Today maybe it’s a quick and seamless transaction. Tomorrow, perhaps it’s an empathetic, digitally-enabled consultation.
But at the core of everything is a single human being with a need. The best brands recognize that need and serve up a solution in a unique, human-centered, satisfying way. We are passionate about the building blocks that go into creating that breakthrough experience, from branding to experience strategy, roadmap enablement to innovation activation.
Our Team
Who we are.
We believe in transparency and transparency in this case means talking about a small business with hopes of building something bigger. We are an agency with an employee count of exactly one person, David Shaw, a seasoned strategist shaped by time at Resource/Ammirati, the largest independent digital agency in the country at one point and IBM, a massive, publicly traded consultancy.
These two ends of the professional spectrum have created a broad foundation of experiences, past projects and professional connections that can be used to solve new and unique problems.