About Me

My name is Dave and I’ve created this site to house some of my favorite projects, mostly because I’m certain the rate at which I forget things is only going to pick up pace over time. This site also serves as my “professional” home, as much as I can say that I embody that word. For the personal side of me (mostly professional wrestling and breweries), hop over to ThatDamnDave.com.

My Work
My background is in marketing and journalism, having spent the first part of my career as a staff writer, editor and layout designer for a nonprofit company in the energy space.

Since transitioning into a marketing strategy role, my meandering path has taken me from client service to social strategy to brand strategy to commerce strategy to now an integrated role that takes advantage of those past experiences. A laundry list of (search-friendly) professional skills can be found on my Resume page, but I would say the most well-developed skills I have are in the areas of: customer/consumer experience strategy, branding, commerce strategy, communications planning, team-building, mentorship and derailing meetings with personal anecdotes.

I think the best way for a marketer to find satisfaction out of any of these jobs is to sincerely attempt to solve a real human being’s actual problem. There’s always a brand & client lens of course, but if we can help people simplify their lives, enhance their lives, remove barriers from their lives, that’s when I think we have a shot at sleeping at night.

My Self
I live in and love the city of Columbus, Ohio, but hail from Denver, Colorado, originally. A quick overview of my passions includes travel, food, cooking, good beer and professional wrestling (not a typo). I would love to speak in great depth about any of these at any time. I would hesitate on taking me up on this offer.